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  STUFF's Mental Health Awareness Day

 Making the Invisible Visible 15th of May 2019 

Hello All

You are receiving this email because we believe Mental Health is everyone's business.

Our organisations are run by volunteers who care passionately about the mental health and wellbeing of all people.

Stockport User Friendly Fellowship registered charity, Well-being Center Disability Stockport and Nexus network have interlinked to raise awareness during Mental Health week focusing on positive mental health and co-productively working together.

We have an ambitious idea that does not cost anything but few minutes of your time. This will only work if we come together collectively.

Our ask is for you and other to be encouraged just to take a little time out joining with us linking arms to form a visible chain around the Town Hall for a few minutes on World Mental Health Awareness Week. 


May 15th at 12.00 to 12.30pm at Stockport Town Hall steps

Anyone can join in holding hands along the way until we circled the Town Hall. We also welcome Organisations, and groups to bring banners, flags, mascots, lets raise awareness and celebrate together. There will be light refreshment and SPACE available for information sharing, Co production working, and ideas, at The Space, 26 St Petersgate Stockport SK1 1HD from 1pm -2.30 pm.

We will continue to update, please share widely amongst your colleagues and friends


We have named the day Making the Invisible Visible

We know there will be many other things happening throughout the week inside buildings and throughout our communities and we want to send a simple but powerful message that Stockport cares - #WeAreStrongerTogether.

Hopefully building the base of our structure, uniting throughout our communities. Let's stand together whether you are in the community, or part of a large or small organisation finding our balance, we can all be part of something that is far bigger than what we are now.

We are asking for your commitment to making this happen. We are looking for volunteer marshals and also champions. 

If you interested, please let us know by sending us an email on: and

Let us make a thriving movement which we hope you will agree is good for all of our mental health and wellbeing.

We will also be taking the opportunity promoting volunteering in Stockport as this year is our 20th Anniversary of Service Users

supporting each other.

Thank you in advance.


( STUFF ) Stockport User Friendly Fellowship - NEXUS/Wellbeing Center Disability Stockport

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